Thursday, May 8, 2008

A guide to a happy life

You musn't get nervous, because that will make you fail in everything, you should be relaxed. For example, in a test if you get nervous or worried you will probably forget about what you have studied. It is also good to practise a sport, that is better than staying all the weekend on bed, but you also must sleep well, if you don't sleep well you are probably going to be tired all the day.

Another thing you have to do to have a better life is to eat healthy food and not to eat junk food every day. You must eat vegetables, pasta, fruits, fish and dairy products.

1 comment:

Jimena Cas said...

Excellent work Fede! I totally agree with you, but it's so difficult to follow such simple rules!
Now you can print the paragraph and hand it in so that I can help you with some language/spelling mistakes. Well done!!