Monday, April 7, 2008

Florencia Bezc

Hi, my name is Florencia Bezc.
I come from Beth, the school were i passed most of mi life.
I sat for Cambridge exams, ket and pet. I passed both of them.
My best friends are Cami,Tati,Denu,Joy,Yaz,Vicky,Cami and Flor,
some of them are coming to ORT yatay with me, and i am very happy
because of that.
I choose ORT as my highschool because it gives you many opportunities to have a better

1 comment:

Maia Was said...

Hi! Florencia what a such comment! I like it very much!
I want to tell you that I miss you a lot, and to the other ones too, but I can't put this in all the blogs, so tell them please, that I miss them a lot and that I want and need to go to Beth in Friday.

I love you best!
Maiu GW.

P.D.: Maybe this comment will be erased, I hope no, but please if you receive this comment, when you see it, please tell me!

Love you,
Your friend,
Maiu GW