Monday, June 23, 2008

Descriptions ( by Leandro)

Generous: One of my uncles, called Carlos, is a very generous person. Last week, I went to Puerto Madero to watch a film in the Cinemark. When we were reaching Cinemark a poor person asked my uncle to give him some money, because he had nothing. My uncle accepted, very happy to help other people. Later, we finished watching the film but when we were going to the parking lot, where our car was, another poor person asked my uncle for some money, and of course my uncle gave him some money.

Imaginative: I know a person who is very imaginative. He is one of my best friends, his name is Guido. He solves every situation with a pich of imagination, even the bad situations. He also encourages you if you are depressed and he always makes you laugh, even if you are very sad

1 comment:

Jimena Cas said...

Very good work, but please, let's check some language mistakes together in class.