Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Overweight-Jery Dabbah 2ºp

The overweight, or obesity is a terrible disease, and it is growing up. This disease consists in eating a lot, but no fruits or vegetables, instead of that, they eat very bad. When you have overweight, for example, you cannot go to a rollercoaster, because it can brings you a heart attack To protect yourself about getting this bad abbit of eating bad, you have to eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat,snacks, salt, candies,chips, etc. You also have to do sports.


Volleyball is not as popular sport as football, tennis or basketball,but it’s a very good sport too.
Volleybal is such a good sport like others, but most of the men think that it is more for women, because majorty of the volleyball championships are played by they, but it’s not like that. It makes you feel very good because ou have to run and jump a lot, so you make a lot of excecise. It is also a very team-mate sport.
But there is a negative side of volleybal. You always have to be very attentive and know where is the ball going to fall down. The most difficult thing of this great sport is the way you have to hit the ball, but, with practice, everything is obteined!. Also, when you play, you can have a lot of injuries, mostly in the legs.
To finish, i think that volleyball is one of the bests sports. It brings people togehter and its not agressive at all (the players cant hurt each other and commit faults, they are divided by a net). It is great!.

A guide to a happy life

To have a happy life you have to have a healthy life, this includes, have a balance diet, do exercises every day, don’t stay in front of the computer ours and ours because is bad for your eyes and for your column.

Kevin Ste.

Composition about a sport by Martin Fal 2p

Volleyball is not as popular as football, soccer or basketball, but there are many people that watch it and sometimes play it.

It is not an agressive sport, because no one fight with other player, only the fans can fight with other fans.

The only negative point is when the players recieve a hard ball, and they can break something of their hand or other part of the body.

To conclude, i like very much this sport that can be played by men or women

A guide to a happy life by Martin Fal 2p

To be happy, you have to participate on things you like, so you will be more intelligent and happier.
If you laugh a lot, you will be a happy and friendly person, and other people will want to be with you.
If you think positive about yourself, you will do all things good , and you will not fail in anything

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Guide to Happy life

A lot of people don’t do any sport or any activity. This produces that lot of people die, because the people that don’t do any activity start to get fat and fat.
If they have to do something that they need to be healthy, they can’t do it or they can die doing it.
So in conclusion, all the people have to make some sport or may be go to the gym, one day a week.
If we approve this, we can save lots of life’s and we can omit lots of dead.

Sebastian 2ºi

You answered 12 out of 15 (80%) questions correctly. That is 2.(test 1)
You answered 12 out of 20 (60%) questions correctly. That is 3.(test 2) You answered 17 out of 20 (85%) questions correctly. That is 2.(test3)
You answered 17 out of 20 (85%) questions correctly. That is 2.(test 4)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Overweight by Roni

A lot of people are overweight because they don´t watch what they eat. For example, you are so hungry that you eat a hamburger at 17ºº hs, or you´re so inattentive that, when you focus again on the food, you´ve already eaten three plates. 

 So people should take more care about what they or perhaps they should do more exercise, because a lot of people have had troubles in their bodyies because of what do they eat.


Defining and non-defining relative clauses:

Defining relative clauses
Identify, define (No commas)

Who -- people
Which -- things animals
That -- people and things

If THAT is followed by a noun or pronoun, it can be omitted.
NEVER omit the pronoun if it is followed by a verb!

Non-defining relative clauses
Give extra information (Between commas)

Who -- people
Which -- things animals

The pronouns can NEVER be omitted

a guide to a happy life

To have a happy life you have to sleep very well, eat fruits and vegetables, also eat the four meals and be sociable with your friends and familly. Its good to smile and laugh a lot. Care yourself is important beacuse if you dont care yourself doing incredibly dangerous things, you will probably ill and sometimes can even kill you. You have to work in what you like and want because if you dont like your job, you can be bad or stessed.

Today's class

Revision on Relative clauses:

Read the information and examples on relative clauses here

Now try these activities.

When you have finished, complete these 4 tests: Level 1 to 4 and post a comment with your results on this post. Consult me if you are having trouble. Go ahead!

Here go some notes for you to go over, there are some exercises too.

Read this doc on Scribd: Notes on Relative Clauses

See you next class, study for the test!
Bye, Jimena

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Guide to a happy life

Remember you should correct, print and hand in the final version (including template) before May 30th. This will be one of your marks for the first term, so don't forget.

Get your portfolios ready, I'll ask for them this week!!

See you tomorrow at the LAB,

Friday, May 23, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008

"A guide to a happy life"

BY Mariano 2 C
The stress ruins your life

The stress is a mental desease. This means that you are over charged of information( like a computer ) so you need to rest a little. Many people have stress, so my tip is: Have a holiday!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A guide to a happy life , SEBASTIAN 2ºI

I think that for a happy life you have to be near the people you love, to be wealthy , to no smoke, to no consume drougs, to do sports , respect the laws and to go to medical controls to be followed.
( I could not post the photo because the server didnt let me)

I can´t find my head.

A minute after Cristina had entered the room, she knew something was wrong. The dress was in the same place she had left it, but Cristina was very supersticious and a month ago she had broken a mirror so she thought that something could happen to her new dress. Cristina was 28, she was a lawyer.
The next day Cristina woke up at 6.00 AM, she had an important meeting. She took a shower. Then she tried on the dress many times and a few minutes later she had breakfast. After that, she was ready to put the dress on, but she didn´t find it. She had tried it on so many times that she didn´t remember where had she left it. She decided to call her best friends to help her. When they arrived they started to laugh. Later, they stopped laughing and said:
“We can´t believe you are so stupid!” You are wearing the dress!
Oh, no! Cristina told them. “I can´t be so silly! And now, is too late!
Well, we can take you to the meeting if you want.
And they didn´t waste time, 5 minutes later Cristina was in the meeting with her beautiful dress on.

The end.

Karen Han (2°H)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Por, Male 2°G


I think that practice sports are very well and
important for your life because is good to your
body and you can lose might and you can keep
In your body you have one respiratory system,
If you smoke away your breathing is going to damage .
over time, as well as its component bodies and others. So
don't somke!

By Malena Schvartz (2°G).

Friday, May 16, 2008

A guide to a happy life

Friends, food and exercise, the three most important things

Have friends is very important to improve your life. To have friends you must help them and spent time with them and do all types of things you can imagine (excepted something dangerous) you make them laugh a lot because that is important to your life.
You must be so carefully whit the food because if don’t you will be weak or you can die. To eat no more than 2100 calories can prejudice you because you became fat. You must eat lots of proteins and vitamins to be sane and strong. If you do this you are on your way.
Do exercise is the most important thing. You must do exercise two times a week as minim. You can go to the gym or do exercise as a more funny form doing sport. Tennis, football, basketball, swim and golf are the best sports to practice. Yes, it’s true, doing golf help you a lot because you are all the day in contact whit the nature and who walk more 20km per game.

By Nicolas Gol

Nico: please consult me in class if you were not able to publish a new post. Have you tried with "Nueva entrada"?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Written assignment: A Guide to a Happy Life

DEADLINE to post your written assignment (from Unit 2, Exercise 12): May 15th

Imagine you decide to enter this competition:

A guide to a happy life
Send us your opinions and ideas to improve the quality of your life
The best answers will be included in the school magazine
Important prizes!
Post ONE argumentative paragraph giving advice on how to improve the quality of our life.
Remember to include a TOPIC SENTENCE and some EXAMPLES to make the paragraph more interesting. You may choose a topic from the BRAINSTORM we did in class today or another idea you have in mind.
Include a picture too!
Good luck, Jimena

A Guide to a Happy Life, by Brian G.

I think that something important to have a happy life is practicing sports, like soccer, basketball, volleyball, or a lot more. The sports make you to have fun and it's healthy because it is an exercise and the scientist say that doing exercise is good for your body. Another reason to practise sports is that if you play in a soccer team, for example, you earn more friends, and that's very important in a person's life, have friends. But on the other hand, when people competive in a sport, they discuss and almost always it finishes wrong, we can say.
The important thing is that you don't need to discuss in a sport competition, like a soccer match, you have fun, and that's important.


A Guide to a Happy Life, by Ingrid P

I think the clue to have a happy life is being possitive and never giving up. If you try hard, nothing is impossible. Be yourself and don't throw your dreams to the garbage if things doesn't go like you espect. Work, work, and work because some day all will be better.
You must remember youself not being lazy, it isn't easy but: the time you waste doing nothing is the time you don't spend having a happy life.

a guide to a happy life

Doing sports is good for your health. It was many sports. People can do sports everdyday and every where ,many people are unhappy because of her or his body but sports can make you slim and fit and is good to the respiratory system ; so ,you shouldn´t smoke.

Moreover, if balance your diet with cereals, fruits and vegetables you will feel much better.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A guide to a happy life

A friend is a very good person who helps you in the good and in the bad moments. If you have a problem or you are feeling sad, you can talk about it to your friend. He/She surely can help you, or maybe he/she can’t resolve your problem, but can comfort you.Talking about your problems is a very good way to improve the quality of your life.

A guide to a happy life.... A laugh to a happy life

I think that the best way to have a happy life is not having a lot of money, is not having the best car, i really think that the best way to have a happy life is to laugh a lot. You can ask me why and I think I have the answer, humor can save the world and the best way to live happy is the capasity of laughing of our selves. Because if we can laugh of our selves we can live in a best way and I think that we can change a smile, a good laugh instead of agressive modals, instead of indiference, instead of wars, instead of discrimination, because laughing is the best way to live, people who lives that way lives more time. Laugh cuts off with pain.

A Guide To A Happy Life

To have a happy life is important to be happy to sleep very well and be sociable. Friends always can give you a hand to your problemas and are importants to have a good life, imagine if you never laugh with a friend and chat with your friends that would be a bad life. Sleeping well is also a very important thing beacuse if you dont sleep well you will be tired all day long and probably you tend to be in a bad mood , and if you dont sleep well often maybe you can become ill.But you must care yourself too i mean that your fisic and your life for example, play sports, eat good food, etc.If you don't do that thigns you will probably go in a bad way. Well i think that are the most importants things to have a happy life.

New book

Here go some addresses where you can buy English in Mind 4. There are many others, try searching in Internet. Good luck!!

SBS: J B Alberdi 2380, Flores Phone(s): 4637-4336

ACME Agency: Camacuá 87, Flores Phones: 4631-8559

Kel: Av. La Plata 63, Caballito Phones 4901-5647 / 4903-5306

Librería Peluffo: Av. Corrientes 4276. Phones: 4862-2164

SBS and Kel have a special discount for ORT students.

If you find it is available somewhere else, please tell us on this blog.

Have a nice day,

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A guide for a happy life: Not to be stressed

To have a happy life, it's important to be at the best conditions. Undo we aren't stressed all time, sometimes, the things of everyday can make us feel worse, and make us angrier, sader...

stress always appears when we have so much things on mind.

For Example, it is very common to see somebody stressed at the exams time, because we are worried about exams, and we haven't time to relax, because we must to study, and do homework. if we add the problems of everyday... become STRESSED.

If you stress out, you mustn't try to continue the Routine, stop and relax. go to cinema, stay at home instead of go to school... you must fight stress. because if you continue stressed, you'll start to fell more and more angrier and sader, and you start to make the things wrong.

Only remember this: stress is not bad at all. stress is the otherwise of relax, and being realxed all time isn't good too.

So, don't be relaxed, and don't be so stressed, or you would become...

So: if you be happy, keep the stress out.

Monday, May 12, 2008

A Guide To A Happy Life: Sleeping Well

To have a happy life is important to laugh have fun sleep well and care yourself and others. Laughing is always something important to have a good life, imagine if you never laugh that would be a bad life. Sleeping well is also a very important thing beacuse if you dont sleep well you will be tired all day long and probably in a bad mood, and if you dont sleep well often maybe you can become ill. Care yourself is important beacuse is you dont care yourself like eating junk food, doing incredibly dangerous things, etc you will probably ill and that is a really bad way to spend you life and sometimes can even kill you. Obviusly you can also help others to be alright like spending time with them, help them with something.

New coaching sessions

As from May 19th, you will have the opportunity to practise and train for your oral exam in coaching sessions here at school.
These are the possible timetables for you to pick the one which suits you best. The sessions are just 15 to 20 minutes long and will mock a real exam situation.
This week Fernando or Geraldine, the English Lab assistants, will come to our classroom so that you can make an appointment, get in pairs (of the same level, of course).

Mondays: 14.40 to 16 or 16.10 to 17.30
Tuesdays: 14.40 to 16
Wednesdays: 14.40 to 16 or 16.10 to 17.30

You need to come twice before the winter holidays.
Important: Once you have finished the session, you should stay at school until that period finishes, you may stay ay the lab or the library or just get together with your mates!

Good luck, and consult me if you need to.

Some listening practice

Today we´ll be practising with some situational listening activities.

Try the 6 situations HERE

Check the volume and sound settings before you start.

Bye, Jimena

Sunday, May 11, 2008

a guide to a happy life

In the life is very important to laugh a lot.Is very important to live very happy, and for that you have to laugh, laugh of your-self, to go on in the life, because the life continue.
You have to live every moment, like if it isthe last one.To pass time with your family, your parents and friends.To say to the people that you love them,and I repeat,you have to live very happy and enjoy your life.

Next test

Hi, this is just to remind you about our next test on Units 1 and 2 on Thursday 15th May.

We'll be revising on Monday and Wednesday, consult any doubt you may have. Good luck!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

A guide to a hapy life

Watch what you eat. These days is very common eat a lot of fast food and that is not healthy. You have to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables to improve the quality of your life. The health of a person that eats always bad food is not the same as one of a person that had a good diet. It’s ok eat sweets sometimes but is a bad habit eating sweets everyday. Is also important drink alcohol with moderation.

Friday, May 9, 2008

A Guide to a happy life

Dont worry,be happy

This is a famous frase,that most of us know but only a few pays atention to it.

we all have our responabilities,like going to school,or going to work,etc and although this thing are really important,we sometimes forget to be happy and to do what we like. Like listening to music,going out with friends,read a book,watch a movie or to be with your family. This is the consequence of an stressed life.

If you are stressed you are in a bad moode,you are anooying,your body sistem can croumble,and of course you forget to live your life.

Eliminate stress

Dont make your self a workoholic and a slave of your responsabilities. Here are some tips that may help you to relax:

*Avoid people who stress you out

*Express your feelings instead of bottling them up

*Share your feelings.

*Learn to forgive

And the most important advice: Be happy and do what you like,relax and have fun, that the laugh is the bes medicine.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

A guide to a happy life

Watch what and where you eat because if you go to a restaurant you don't know of where the foods came, if it's right cleaned, if it doesn't have insects, if it's old. Also you have to see what is the background of the place because if you go to a Snackbar that is dirty if you eat that food you can got an ilness so it's very important what you eat and where.

A guide to a happy life

Watch what you eat,don't eat too much junk food!
If you do that you'll probably be in overweight,and thats not good.
You should also do much exercise,going for a walk half an hour a day can help very much.Don't wait to be thirsty to drink water.
You should also know where does the food you eat come from,if it's from a dirty place,you shouldn't eat it.

It's important to sleep well, because if you don't you will be sleepy and stressed



A guide to a happy life

You musn't get nervous, because that will make you fail in everything, you should be relaxed. For example, in a test if you get nervous or worried you will probably forget about what you have studied. It is also good to practise a sport, that is better than staying all the weekend on bed, but you also must sleep well, if you don't sleep well you are probably going to be tired all the day.

Another thing you have to do to have a better life is to eat healthy food and not to eat junk food every day. You must eat vegetables, pasta, fruits, fish and dairy products.

A guide to a happy life

Some people said that sleeping isn't important. But , the scientist said that sleeping less tan 8 our's a day isn't good for your brain. Sleeping 8 and it's possible more , can rest your body , for been active the next day. If you donde sleep 8 hs your brain and body didn't rest and the next day you will be very week. Yo can said that sleep is one of the most importante fings you can do to help you brain and body .

A guide to a happy life

You must eat four times a day would be more healthy for you. It´s very important that you eat well. You have to eat a breakfast when you wake up, a launch at 12 o'clock, somes snacks in the afternoon and a dinner before you go to sleep. If you only eat two or three times a day, you would be hungry and so debility.

It's important that you eat healthy food and no junk food. A good example for healthy food would be vegetables (like tomatoes or carrots), meat (like chicken), milks (like milk or yougurt), pasta(like spagettis) and fruits (like bananas or apples). A good example for a junk food would be hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries or pizza.

You have to eat quietly. If you it nervous, you would have an stomachache. You have to ate with calm, if you are eating while you are shouting you would have knot in the stomach. You mustn't to eat quickly.

It's very important that you drink water. You have to drink water or juice every food.

A guide to a happy life

There are a lot of ways to improve your life style.

First you must eat healthy food like vegetables, meat. Eat chocolates or candys arenota good idea but if sometime you don´t have energy, its good to eat sugar but not in excess.

Second you have to do exercise, like running, swimming, going to the gym and if you want to really want to good exercise you have to rest eight or nine hours per day, that's a vetal part of the training.

Third, you have to watch what you it, if you are always eating candys or chocolates, another type of food that you mustn't eat is "Junk food" (hamburgers, hot dogs etc). That is not HEALTHY.
it looks very good ah?
yeah of course, but that is one of the things you mustn't eat.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A gude to a happy life

A guide to a happy life
You must leave the work to relax and enjoy the life. In this world sometimes we are so busy with work, sports and study that a simple activity can turn in an stressful action and when you are submitted every day to this kind of activities can happened that in shorts or longs periods of time can damage us a lot, especially mentally, and this can cause physical problems. Sometimes, for example the pressure is so big at work and in the house that some people have cardiac problems as arrhythmias and this can cause an earlier die. This problem comes to such a point that sometimes children like us or younger can have diseases for stress when they must be relaxed, playing and study. So the next time you are stress because of something think if it's so important that think that you slowly are putting in risk your life. To finish enjoy your life and not be worried for things that aren't as important as our life.

A guide to a happy life

If you want a happy life you should sleep at least 8 hours so that your body can rest and gain forse for all day .People think sleep is not important but when you don´t sleep your body is very weak and tha t can cause you head ache or other things.It also put you on a bad mood ´cause your body isn´t preparated to be working all day long .For example, a boy that doesn´t sleep well is more inattentive than a boy that sleep all night

A guide to a happy life

Taking good care of your body and having good relationships may be an advantage when trying to have a happy life. For first the body must feel good, for that you should sleep a minimum of eight ours and a maximum of ten ours. It really counts to have a good breakfast but not too much food `cause it may make you feel heavy and tired,taking a bath at least two times per day(one before going to school/work and other one at night) and doing a lot of sport wich raises your happyness very well and it makes you feel great. It is not just that, having good relationships with the society andlaughing a lot are very important for the improvement of a happy life. If you don´t laugh then a "happy life" is not as happy as expected.

A guide to a happy life! (joy)

Watch what you eat!

We should keep a balanced diet because often people don't eat well.
Like anorexia or bulimia, that are eating desorders caused by eating very little or nothing, or throwing up. And the other extreme, is overweight that they cannot stop eating and they don't do any exercise.
You should eat normally and balanced and do a little of exercise every day.

Topic: Sleeping well.

You should sleep well during the night to enjoy the activities you do during the day. It´s important to sleep at least 8 hours every day. That will help you thinking in the school, in your job, or everywhere. Children who don´t sleep well, often have more problems in the school that children that sleep 8 or 9 hours every day.

Karen Han 2°H

a guide to a happy life

Some people is always nervous and don't laugh.

if you don't laugh you are always sad , tired and you don't enjoy a lot like if you laugh and smile a lot.

To laugh a lot is good to all people.
I think laughing is a good way to make ill people feel good, or to make sad to feel happy.


Some people really need our help, they depend on us.

It would be interesting if you go hospitals and share your time with sick people, for example reading books to children and making them laugh.
Apart from it, you can help your friends in everyday life with their homework or listening to a friend who has a problem.
When you are outside you can help old people who need crossing the street or give some food to a homeless.
Be sure that you will feel happy helping other people!

Improving the quality of your life (By Denu H)

Make friends will help you a lot to say what you think. When you are sad or you have problems it's very good to talk and express yourself chatting, talking on the telephone or simply face to face. Friends are a good way to say what you think, and the will always help you.

A guide to a HAPPY LIFE

People often only care about themselves. They don´t mind when crossing the street, if there is the blind.
On the bus, they don´t live the seat to pregnant woman o disabled people.
It will be better if we can HELP OTHERS more frecuently,because we will feel proud of our actions , and also we will make other people happy.

I had chosen an image, becuase this picture in particulary has a very big significance.

This a photo taken during a competition in New Zeland, the objective is to cross the river with the help of other people.

A guide to a happy life

Topic: exercise

A lot of people are unhappy of the way their body looks, this probably happens because most of them don’t exercise as much as they should. For example they wouldn’t go to a swimming pool, because they don’t want anyone to see their body. Sometimes this happens because people don’t have enough time to do exercise, but the truth is that they only have to do 20 minutes a day! There are fun exercises to do for example jogging or riding bicycles. You can also go to the gym or do fun sports, such as volleyball, football, tennis, etcetera.
Doing exercise is really fun, plus it helps you to be more self-confident, and live a little bit happier.

A guide to a happy life

Many people don´t practise sports because they think that it isn´t very important and that they can get tired practising it. For example, some children in fisical education, don´t want to do the excercise because they think that it is a waste of time. People often preffer to stay at home instead of going to the gym because they think thay can get very tired. I recomend to practise sports because is very funny and you can keep your health.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Many people believe they can have parties at night and feel excellent in the day. They may think sleeping is a joke. It is very important to sleep well during the night. Not sleeping and doing it at different times can have lots of consequences in your body and your mood. One every 3 people have problems to sleep. We all spend a third of our life in bed. So remember next time you wanna close your eyes at one a.m. that if you keep that way you may finish with insomnia or something worst than that.

A guide to a happy life (By Leandro)

Topic: Sports

Practising sports is very good because you keep fit and healthy and you can also lose weight.People often don't practise sports because they don't like them or they don't want to move too much. Some persons don't know why they should do sports or exercise. So, ask some persons what sports do they like and try to practise the sport you prefer from the ones they have told you or choose anyone you like.

Monday, May 5, 2008

A guide to a happy life

I think that havingf riends is very importanat, because friends are all do you need to have for have a good time. They are in all of yours situation, sad or happy, is importantto have someone who understands you. Also having friends is funny and beautifull, because with them, you can play a lot laugh. My opinion are that if you have friends you are going to bre happy.

Brenda Kopyto 2ºG

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Some useful notes and activities

Hi, I´m posting you some notes on tenses with activities for those who need some extra practice. You may print them to study and do the activities. Bring them to school to consult me any doubt. Good luck!

Read this doc on Scribd: Notes on Present Perfect

Read this doc on Scribd: Notes on Past perfect

New Books

Hi, this is just to remind you about the new material we are going to use this year.
Our course book is called English in Mind 4, Student's book and Workbook.

English in Mind 4

Cambridge University Press
Remember to have your Portfolios ready and complete too!
See you on Monday for the test (Unit 1). Bye, Jimena