Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Congratulations on how you worked on our new project "Travelling Abroad"!!
I hope you've found it interesting and useful, you may need to travel to the UK one day, who knows? Or perhaps you do win a prize!!

Soon I'll be sending you instructions on how to access the school platform from your homes via Internet, of course.

I leave you some pictures, so you can show your family HOW MUCH you have been working so far this year. You look really hard-working in the pictures! :)

Regards, Jimena

Saturday, July 12, 2008

imaginative and generous

GENEROUS my uncle is a generous friend becouse he always lend mi Money when i don’t have for lunch.
he likes helping people that needs that help

IMAGINATIVE Nico is a imaginative person becouse he always said that he is going to conquist buenos aires with all his family.
He always is saing crazys ideas that are very funny

Geneoruos and imaginative

No one is so generuos as Gorge, he is very helpful when you need him.
He is always thinking about other pepople, and the most important thing
is that he Gorge is realy a god man.

My little brother is very imaginative, he is always tooking about super heros
and animated drawings. Sometimes I think he is crazy because of how he
speeks about the TV.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Geneorous and imaginative

A friend of mine, Alberto, is very geneorous. He is always lending things at any moment, and he is so sympathetic that he doesn't pressure us to give him back his things. He helps strangers, too! Once he bought something for him that he liked a lot, but a poor child asked for money or something to eat, and he gave him what he had bought. He is a very person and an example for all the people!

My cousin Alex is 3 years old and he is a very imaginative person. He is always inventing things, but in a very funny way! Once he saw the movie "Buzz Lightyear", and from that moment, he is always telling us that he is an alien that comes from the space and has to return home.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Descriptions, By Gaston Avi

My mum is really generous. The clothes that dont fit me or my brother she without even think of it she gives them to the poor children. She always try to be as most generous as she can. And she always help if she can too.

My little cousin is really imaginative. He always dress like a power ranger and he jumps in all the rooms in the house thinking he is one of the power rangers. And his brother that is more young (3 years old) plays as the bad guy.

descriptions by Brian Gr.

Eric is a very imaginative person. He's always thinking about TV series for ten-year kids. He likes to imagine that he's a heroe and he must kill monsters. Eric's too imaginative.

My mother is a very generous person because she is always looking for some clothes from my family to donate. I like that kind of person, that wants to help people who needs help.

imaginative and generous by steven lem

9)g) David is a very generous person, he always share and let things to other people. He listens to people and try to help them. He gift food, money, clothes and others things to people who real need them, but sometimes he gift those things to people who do not need them and they abuse David.

Stephen, is a very imaginative person, he always is saying ideas, sometimes there are great ideas and sometimes bad. He always is imaging a spectacular life where he is the best in the earth, (sometimes is real funny).But, he is a very intellectual person. He had wrote a book whose name is “Living in the Paradise”.

descriptions by Hernan

My mother is a very generous person. Whatever she sees that nobody uses she doesn´t even think it and gives it as a present to the poor children asking for money in diferent parts of the city.

My cousin is a very imaginative person. He is always pretending to be a "power ranger" or a predestinated warrior that was asigned for a specific mission.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Geneoruos and imaginative

My uncle is a very imaginative and generously person. He always helps me when i need help and is very imaginative. He draws very well and always does a lot of rares things which need you to be imaginative. When he helps me, allthing he does it's ok, he knows: History, Geografic, Medicine, English and Maths. He is a doctor who works in three hospital in Bs As.

For all thoes things is why i have choosen my uncle.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Manuel seone, descripions

My aunt is a very generous person, she is always giving the kids to eat and she never ask anything in return.She is also seeking to join in to a grup of women that helps in hospitals.

A friend of mine is very imaginative, he is always pretending to be a scientist and he makes experiments with all the food he finds in the kitchen.

(MANUEL SEOANE: Jimena, I had a problem and I couldn´t log in to my account so I asked Hernan to post the exercise for me)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

A friend and my cousin

Generous: my best friend is the most generous person I've ever known. It doesn't matter who borrows her things, because she always is going to lend her staff to everyone who needs it. I can't believe how she stands seeing all the class with her things, playing with the ruler as a sword, throwing her pencils... One day a boy broke her favourite pen. Everybody (including me) thought she was going to get very furious, but, instead, she asked him to buy her a new one. What's more, she stills lends him her staff.
Imaginative: to be honest, I 'm not sure if my cousin Lucila, "Lulifer" or "Terminator" is imaginative or crazy. She's always with these strange and anormal ideas. For example, we were in my grandma's house once, and my aunt found a snail. Luli started designing a really strange home for the poor animal, imaging the snail's sons and daughter and even "his wife". He has those particular thoughts of her, like the time she thought the ringbell was going to kill her...

By Ingrid Pokropek, 2nd "I"


My aunt is a generous person because always want to help other people in good and bad times. She helps in little things in everyday life but it´s very useful for the person who recives this help. She is sympathetic and always now when you need her.

My dad is an imaginative person because always thinks in an original way. Every time he has a problem solves it using his great imagination, which allows him to have different ways of solving things but all original.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Generous: A generous person is a man/woman who always like helping other people that needs that help, like poor people.

Imaginative: An imaginetive person is a man/woman that always invent original and funny things, most of time nonconvencional things.